• Zethilia & Alonsus
• https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/alonsus/zethilia
Personal Information
• Please tell us a little about yourself :
I'm a 22 year old Swedish guy. Been playing WoW on and off since the end of TBC but never really stuck with it, since I for some reason, never liked the game enough. It was first in Legion that I actually started to enjoy playing WoW. I have had a huge issue with picking what class i wanted to play and therefor got many alts. With mediocre gear. highest being ILVL (943). But for now i'm sticking with my Brewmaster monk which is one of the lower geared characters out of the ones I have. But also the most enjoyable at the moment.
I do however have raiding experiance from another MMO called Final Fantasy XIV. (FFXIV) Which is a game that I've been raiding on savage difficulty (The games version of mythic) for about 4 years now and still going. (I'm the raidlead of my group)
• What is your battletag ( to help us contact you if required to do so ) :
So we have a clear understanding of your availability & Raiding goals etc. Please answer the following questions
• Can you be available for all Raid days? Wed-Thurs,Mon from 8pm - 11.00pm ST? :
Since i'm still raiding in FFXIV, i'm raiding on that game on Tuesdays and Wednessdays. But aside from that i'm available.
• Are you applying for a Mythic raiding spot, or a Social rank? ( If social - Please contact an officer ingame for a chat to bypass this application process ) :
I'm looking to get into Mythic raiding in WoW for BFA, since i havn't tried the hardest raid difficulty of WoW and would love to try it out. SInce i always enjoy a good challenge.
But for now i'm mainly applying to the guild for social purposes but also to have som good people to run Mythic+ (One of the main reasons i enjoy Legion) and getting into Heroic raiding. Aswell as using this as an oppertunity to get better at WoW in general aswell as master my class. So that i might be able to come along for some Mythic raiding for BFA.
Also i'd be glad to help out whenever your short on people for raidnights. Since i do love raiding in general,, and have no issues learning new fights and mechanics.
So I guess a Social Rank for now.
I did see that you wanted me to contact an officer in game if i wanted a Social rank. But from the info i gave above i feel like it's a bit of a special case since i'm aiming to join raiding in BFA and can help in legion, so thought i might aswell send in an application.
Hope it's not an inconvenience.
• Are you comfortable with occasional raid rotation? :
Please fill in the next few questions with as much detail as possible so we can get a clear idea of what to expect from your character, experience & your play style overall.
• Main spec Your applying on & Artifact level? :
Brewmaster Monk, Artifact level 70.
• How do you calculate your stats weights/priority & what rotations do you follow? :
14.3% Haste, then the other substats are pretty much equal and up to preferance. Seeing how they're equal in value.
Solo Rotations:
Depends a bit on my talent choice for the content in question, but if it is a solo target fight and i have my "Blackout combo" i make sure to always use a "tiger palm" after my "Blackout Strike"
But the rotation would look something like.
Keg smash -> Blackout Strike -> Tiger Palm -> Filler(ogcd) -> Blackout Strike -> Tiger Palm -> Filler
Making sure that it's a tiger palm being used after each Blackout strike.
Filler spells:
Rushing Jade wind
Breath of Fire
Chi Wave (If taken)
If the "Blackout Combo" talent is not taken however the rotation gets a bit simpler (Normally replacing "Blackout Combo" with "High Tolerance" if I know I need more survivability.)
Keg smash(On CD) > Blackout Strikes(On CD) > Breath of Fire (On CD) > Keep rushing jade wind active > Tiger Palm but make sure to always have enough energy for a keg smash.
Multiple targets:
Exploding keg -> Keg smash -> Breath of Fire ->Rushing jade wind -> Blackout Strike (If about to cap on energy use Tiger Palm instead.)
Rotation may vary depending on talents!
• What add-ons (raid specific) do you already use? :
Big Wigs, Skada (Details!), Tell me when and Weakauras, Grid and KuI nameplates.
• Which is your main Off-spec and are you experienced & Willing to play this for the raid if required occasionally? :
Main off Spec on my monk is Mistweaver. Which i do indeed enjoy, But I think it would be a bigger help if I came on my Paladin in that case whos main spec is Holy and is better geared.
• What prior raiding experience do you have? :
As i mentioned before. I do not have any huge experiance raiding in WoW. More than the normal modes of the current expansion. But i have four years experiance of "mythic" raiding in another MMO called FFXIV. Also experianced at raid leading.
• Do you have Teamspeak installed? :
Yes, i do. But i mostly use Discord nowadays.
Extra Information
• Why have you chosen to apply to Frequency? :
I've been pugging for most of Legion, which i now want to bring an end to, for obvious reasons. (Pugging is hell) and i wanted to join a guild that was progressing mythic and had a good community. And from reading a bit on your website. You do seem to fit my criteria.
• Do you know anyone in the Guild and if so who?:
Nope, but looking forward to getting to know them.
• Have any additional comments you would like to leave on the application? Please do so here :
• To Help recruitment, How did you hear about us?
On the WoW forums and Wowprogress. Was mainly looking for raid groups on my server. (Alonsus)