Rules and Expectations of the Guild bank
Each Tab serves a purpose and all but alt ranks are entitled to the use of the items that are stored within the guild bank, Some tabs will require a higher rank to get these items for you.
Tab 1 : Social Tab
Pets/Mounts, Lower Enchants and unneeded Blue items etc etc can all be stored or taken from here as people need/want, Feel free to take things from this tab for alts also.
Entitled ranks
20 stacks Per day
Tab 2 : Storage
Holds the disenchanted matts from raid runs for the use of raiders within the guild.
Also, Store's any valuables for the guild such as, Epic Loot, Crafting item, fish and herbs for flasks, food and pots for raiders.
For items used to craft items, priority will be given to Raiders main specs for using towards crafted gear etc. This does not mean they will be given out to just anybody and selling these items that are given to you is forbidden.
As this tab is locked if you require any of the items Contact an Officer who will be happy to assist you.
Tab 3 - 7 : Pots & Flasks
Pots in these Tabs are backup pots and flasks for raiders
Entitled Ranks
5 Stacks Per day.
Tab 8 : Food/Gems/enchants
This will keep a selection of food and items that may be needed during a raid to wear new Loot and so on should any raider need it.
Entitled Ranks:
5 Stacks Per day.
Guild Repairs
Our casual raiders and raiders etc are all entitled to an allowance per raid night, Just remember to use the guild repair button whenever you go to repair your equipment at any vendor
Repairs will only be available during raid time when we are low on guild funding.
If they are not on at the time you are needing to repair, feel free to nag the GM for them
If you require anything from the bank that you are unable to take from it yourself, The guild master, Officer's and the guild council can all help you.