Character name: Mentrue (Outland)
Wow progress: (not updated for some reason)
Personal Information Battletag: Mentoo#2163
Real Name: Terry
Can you be available for all Raid days? Wed-Thurs,Mon from 8pm - 11.00pm ST? : Majority of the time, yes. I am currently in the Armed Forces and work away from home. This means I travel home once a month usually leaving Thursday and back on by following Tuesday.
Are you applying for a Mythic raiding spot, or a Social rank? ( If social - Please contact an officer ingame for a chat to bypass this application process ) : Mythic
Are you comfortable with occasional raid rotation? : Of course, as raid comes first.
Main spec Your applying on & Artifact level? : BM with artefact level 68
How do you calculate your stats weights/priority & what rotations do you follow? : Raidbots with simc addon. There is no rotation, only priority order of skills (as per icy-veins and hunter discord).
What add-ons (raid specific) do you already use? : DBM, GTFO, Recount,TMW and class mods for skill info.
Which is your main Off-spec and are you experienced & Willing to play this for the raid if required occasionally? : I am willing to play MM but damage is no where near BM and artefact level is lower.
What prior raiding experience do you have? :Raided during most expansions on my druid, lock and hunter. This expansion is shown on armoury.
Do you have Teamspeak installed? : Yes as well as discord and vent. Extra Information Why have you chosen to apply to Frequency? : I'm currently with a guild on Outland. We have never had enough to move to mythic this tier as ppl have started to stop playing. I seen that you were after a hunter and on a PVE server which is what I wanted to switch to.
Do you know anyone in the Guild and if so who?: No
Have any additional comments you would like to leave on the application? Please do so here : If you require any additional information then please ask.
To Help recruitment, How did you hear about us? Wow eu forums, LFM
OMg we might finally get a decent hunter. Welcome and show tialda how its meant to be done.
Hai, we have had a chat in game so i wont repeat what has been said but i will for the sake off Tialda not hating me mention i did tell you she needs a gnome hunter friend! hehe
Welcome to Frequency, we look forward to raiding with you :)