Character name & Server : Imagrill (Auchindoun EU)
Link :
Personal Information
Please tell us a little about yourself : My name is Joel, 22 years old guy from Finland. Been playing wow since TBC, now recently more as a casual player because my IRL friends have quit. I'm alot into sports and games. I study Computer Science in Jyväskylä Uni 2nd year.
What is your battletag ( to help us contact you if required to do so ) : Mehukatti#21872
So we have a clear understanding of your availability & Raiding goals etc. Please answer the following questions
Can you be available for all Raid days? Wed-Thurs,Mon from 8pm - 11.00pm ST? : Yes, after summer might be few days in every 4 months that i can't because of exams.
Are you applying for a Mythic raiding spot, or a Social rank? ( If social - Please contact an officer ingame for a chat to bypass this application process ) : For Mythic team, but i need to gear up abit since i've been playing casually. I would gladly accept a social spot 'till my gear is good enough. I am very eager to achieve mythic progress with nice people.
Are you comfortable with occasional raid rotation? : Yes.
Please fill in the next few questions with as much detail as possible so we can get a clear idea of what to expect from your character, experience & your play style overall.
Main spec Your applying on & Artifact level? : Dps(Windwalker,73).
How do you calculate your stats weights/priority & what rotations do you follow? : Following pro players and Discord.
What add-ons (raid specific) do you already use? : DBM, Skada, TMW, Omen.
Which is your main Off-spec and are you experienced & Willing to play this for the raid if required occasionally? : Healer(Mistweaver) and yes i'm willing to play that spec also.
What prior raiding experience do you have? : Casually leading pugs in Legion. In Wotlk i raided most progressing ICC. In MoP i raided quite alot with my monk and in WoD i raided HC raids alot with my previous guild that has morphed with my current one.
Do you have Teamspeak installed? : Yes.
Extra Information
Why have you chosen to apply to Frequency? : The description about the guild sounds nice and seems like a friendly and fun guild to be apart of and find new friends from.
Do you know anyone in the Guild and if so who?: No i don't.
Have any additional comments you would like to leave on the application? Please do so here : I have a great sence of humor and i don't take anything too seriously. I'm fun to play with and i have also great knowledge of the game and about my monk. I love making new friends and i am also nice to everyone.
To Help recruitment, How did you hear about us? : I found you from the World of Warcraft Forums.
Joel Helkala
Personally emailed this applicant