Character name & Server: Deelan Kul Tiras EU
Personal Information
Please tell us a little about yourself : I guess I'll repeat myself in case you don't remember my old app. Names Daniel 31 years old from Sweden, been playing WoW on and off since Vanilla.
What is your battletag ( to help us contact you if required to do so ) : You already have it :P
So we have a clear understanding of your availability & Raiding goals etc. Please answer the following questions
Can you be available for all Raid days? Wed-Thurs,Mon from 8pm - 11.00pm ST? : Well, as you guys know no I can't, but i have never missed a raid unless for work. In other words. I can make about 75% of them.
Are you applying for a Mythic raiding spot, or a Social rank? ( If social - Please contact an officer ingame for a chat to bypass this application process ) : Mythic spot
Are you comfortable with occasional raid rotation? : Ofcourse
Please fill in the next few questions with as much detail as possible so we can get a clear idea of what to expect from your character, experience & your play style overall.
Main spec Your applying on & Artifact level? : Outlaw, 51 traits at the moment, gonna be 52 tomorrow or day after most likely.
How do you calculate your stats weights/priority & what rotations do you follow? : SimCraft, Class discord etc.
What add-ons (raid specific) do you already use? : DBM, WeakAuras, Details!, ExorsusRaidTools
Which is your main Off-spec and are you experienced & Willing to play this for the raid if required occasionally? : Assassination, yes ofcourse
What prior raiding experience do you have? : From earliest to latest, all as current content unless otherwise specified: Karazhan cleared, Gruuls cleared, Magtheridon cleared, Zul Aman cleared, All WotLK raids cleared including some nice hardmodes such as firefighter and 1 light in the darkness, Firelands cleared, Siege of Orgrimar cleared, Emerald Nightmare cleared on hc 5/7 mythic, Trial of Valor cleared hc, Nighthold cleared hc 3/10 mythic.
Do you have Teamspeak installed? : Yes
Extra Information
Why have you chosen to apply to Frequency? : Not so much an application as a test of the new website and request to change main :P
Do you know anyone in the Guild and if so who?: Not irl unless you count my wife :P
Have any additional comments you would like to leave on the application? Please do so here : Unless it wasen't clear before, I would like to change main for Tomb :P
To Help recruitment, How did you hear about us? Guild message of the day.
Mainly how the speccs play, how energy regen works and the rotation has changed aswell, one more button to press after wednesday :P
Yeah I'll be there tomorrow, not that far behind on gear tho, currently sitting at 903 ilvl equiped (Mage is 906 i belive, maybe 909), fair enough some gear isn't perfect, still missing 4 piece but all in all its more than enough