Character name & Server - Faíth - Argent Dawn
Personal Information
Please tell us a little about yourself : My name is Martin I'm a 41 year English guy living in Scotland just outside Glasgow with my partner and my 5 month old son Oliver. Started playing WoW in Dec 2004 and was pretty dedicated raider from Vanilla to end of Cataclysm I started out as a Prot Warrior and was asked to reroll to my raid alt Hunter during AQ40 due to a lack of Hunters we had at the time and became a hunter main from this point on. I played on 2 servers (Argent Dawn and Moonglade) gaining a number of server 1st kills and achievements in the process. I had also served as class leader and officer in previous guilds. I Kinda quit Warcraft during the start of Mists due real life commitments and work forcing me to cut back on my time in game and while not being able to commit the time I previously did to raid at the level I was I became a little bored of Warcraft in general and stopped playing for almost 2 years. I Recently returned to the game and pushing through the Legion content have found myself enjoying the game again and looking at scratching that raid itch again with a nice community of guys and gals with an eye on BFA.
What is your battletag ( to help us contact you if required to do so ) : tommo010#2507
So we have a clear understanding of your availability & Raiding goals etc. Please answer the following questions
Can you be available for all Raid days? Wed-Thurs,Mon from 8pm - 11.00pm ST? : I can fully commit to Wed and Thurs, but I work Monday evenings until 9:30pm (uk).
Are you applying for a Mythic raiding spot, or a Social rank? ( If social - Please contact an officer ingame for a chat to bypass this application process ) : Ideally a raid spot but having only really done LFR runs I understand I might be behind the ilevel and experience you require at your progress and would accept a social spot with hope of gaining a raid spot down the line.
Are you comfortable with occasional raid rotation? : Yes, I always considered this a needed aspect of a raid team and community.
Please fill in the next few questions with as much detail as possible so we can get a clear idea of what to expect from your character, experience & your play style overall.
Main spec Your applying on & Artifact level? : Marksmanship with Artifact level of 75 I stopped at this point so I could level an offspec artifact to gain the full benefits of the Crucible for both specs.
How do you calculate your stats weights/priority & what rotations do you follow? : A lot of it I do from experience while I'm leveling and learning but I always double check myself on Icyveins to make sure I'm on the right track I prioritize Mastery > Crit > Haste for MM. I found Hunter's generally do not have rotations anymore and it's more priority based as MM I'm trying to maximize my Vulnerable debuff window to get as many Aimed Shots in as possible during this time using Windblast and Markshot procs.
What add-ons (raid specific) do you already use? : I have a modified version of Preach's ElvUI and run BigWigs and Details for my main raid addons.
Which is your main Off-spec and are you experienced & Willing to play this for the raid if required occasionally? : I've been leveling up my BM artifact level and just gained level 75 on that, I don't mind playing this spec and would use it if required but I much prefer to be MM. I have no intention of ever playing SV I didn't play a hunter to be a melee class I hope this will not be an issue.
What prior raiding experience do you have? : I have over 8 years raiding experience, having played on 2 servers my character had to change name during this time so I have added name and specs I mainly used during those times.
Insight - Argent Dawn - Faith MM Hunter (I also played Prot Warrior called Tiriara)
MC, Ony, BWL, ZG, AQ20 all cleared. AQ40 - Upto Twin Emps and Naxx - Spider Wing Clear, Razouvious, Noth and Patchwerk killed, with a number of server first kills.
Burning Crusade.
Vir Mortalis - Moonglade - Kyira BM and SV Hunter
Kara, Gruuls Lair, Mag, SSC, TK, Hyjal, ZA and BT cleared with all kills being server first. SWP cleared up to M'uru with all prior kills also being server first.
Wrath of the Lich King
Winter Night - Moonglade - Kyira BM and MM Hunter (ArP build)
Naxx, Sarth, Malygos, Ulduar-Inc Algalon (+Hard modes inc Yogg 0 Lights), Ony, VoA, TotC, Halion and ICC all clear + all heroic modes
Winter Night - Moonglade - Kyira MM and SV Hunter
BoT, BWD, TotFW, BH, FL and DS all cleared (+ all heroic modes)
Mist of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor - Faíth MM Hunter
Had to stop raiding due to work commitments
Content some cleared on LFR back on Argent Dawn
Leigon - Faíth MM Hunter
Some LFR raids.
Do you have Teamspeak installed? : I have Teamspeak 3.
Extra Information
Why have you chosen to apply to Frequency? : Combination of things, most of your raid nights match my free time, having a well presented recruitment thread and an actual website to submit a proper application and allowing an applicant to sell themselves rather then relying on their iLevel and curve through battletag chats.
Do you know anyone in the Guild and if so who?: Not that I am aware of
Have any additional comments you would like to leave on the application? Please do so here Having just returned to WoW I fully understand my ilevel will be behind the required level a Mythic raid team might be looking for but I'm willing to work for a spot in Normal/Heroic runs if required and I feel I can only do this with a community where I can run these along with Mythic+ dungeons and build my Legion experience and character to the ilevel required and make some friends along the way.
I'm an adaptable raider who can learn fights on the fly now this isn't to say I don't learn and research encounters I've just got this ability to adapt to my surroundings and react accordingly.
To Help recruitment, How did you hear about us? WoW Looking for Player forum
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