Ranks in the guild depend on many factors, reliability, performance and the ability to work as part of a team. We expect our members to retain a good attitude in and outside of the guild to continue the guilds good reputation. Each rank serves a different purpose but all members are equally valued.
Rules that apply to ALL Ranks
Be respectful - There are a multitude of diverse people with unique personalities, beliefs and values within our guild and wow itself, as such, we must respect each of our differences and should always treat other players with dignity and respect.
Attitude - Maintain a good attitude in and outside of the guild as we hold a good reputation on our server and we aim to have it remain this way. Trade spamming, Lfr shaming, Guild chat ranting, Name calling or other offense behavior of any kind may lead to Guild Removal.
Work together - We are a group of friends that are here to work together to experience the best content we can, Have that be raiding mythic and progressing together on new bosses or helping a social complete his quest. Be a team player
Get Involved - If you have an idea for improvement or any suggestions, please speak with an Officer/Gm. We are keen to make all our members happy and involve all ranks in this.
Communication - If you have a problem or concern make sure to speak to an officer/Gm about this, we will do our best to find a solution.
A trial period can last between 2-4 weeks. This is your time to prove to us how committed you are to the guild, how well you have fitted in to the community and just as importantly how well you performed during the raids you have attended.
During your Trial
Throughout the two week period, the guild Officers will monitor the conduct of the player, raid performance, behavior within and outside of the guild, as well as his/her conduct with other guild members and decide on there future within the guild
Trial Members may not be able to receive Loot during raids with the exception of: If no current raiders are in need of this item.
Be involved - Get to know your guild members, how you communicate and get on with the team is an important part of the decisions when we come to evaluate your Ranking within Frequency.
Raid Invites
Guild Vendor
Access to Members Forum
Officer Support
Raid Invites
Preperation - Know what bosses you will be attempting that night, know what the bosses do, know your role. Have The best available Food/pots and Flasks Ready. If your not prepared and seen to be wasting time, you may be replaced without Standby DKP.
Have DBM/GTFO and other addons installed and updated at all times. It is the raider's responsibility to be aware of the latest requirements and updates.
Have teamspeak installed and set up before your first raid
Be punctual - While at times we understand people are running late and this is fine, being on time. The first step to being a solid raider is always showing up, and showing up early.
Read the Forum page explaining how we handle Loot during the raids so you dont waste Raid time for others.
Keep talking to a minimum during raids so that instructions by the raid leader can be heard by all participants
Will listen to and follow the instructions of the raid leader.
Following 2 weeks the Officers/gm Will have a discussion based on your Trial within the guild as mentioned, We will then decide on the best rank for you within Frequency.
Trial Failed - Not meeting our expectations for any reason will result in removal from the guild.
Promoted to Member - Sometimes we will decide to offer you a member spot if we don't believe you are ready to raid with us yet. This is a Social rank. You dont have to accept, but saying no will result in your removal from the guild. This wont just happen you will be spoke to about it first, Your also Welcome to talk to an officer/gm about re trialing in the future.
Promoted to Raider - You have met all of our expectations and fit in nicely with the guild.
This is a social Rank. This rank requires no application process only that you can be a mature member of the guild. Members Occasionally might be invited to fill raid spots but in general this rank is for casual gaming, including Mythic+/Pvp/worldquesting/alt/casual raids and so on. Benefits:
Guild Vendor
Raid Invites
Access to Members Forum
Officer support
Guild bank tab 1 open for withdrawal
Guild Mats from bank available for use
Expectations:Rules for all apply to socials however most of all you should have Fun :)
If you want to keep Raider rank the three most important things for are reliability, raid awareness and being part of the community of the guild. Should you possess all of these qualities you can be assured of many invites to raids. Reliability does not mean 100% raid attendance but communication on your availability is key. Also you may be able to do high dps/hps but if you cant move from fire or have problems staying online you wont help us progress, We like to have open discussion's about boss tactics and your contribution to these discussions is necessary. The best raiders we have are usually involved in these.Benefits:
Guild Vendor
Raid Invites
Guild Repairs
Access to Members Forum
Food & Flasks supplied in raids.
Guild Mats from bank available for use
Preparation - You should take the time to Research your class & know the best spec/talents for the boss's we are due to encounter as well as understanding the boss
Attendance - 90% attendance is required, lower and you are making yourself more available for Rotation, a lot lower and Rank demotion may be considered
Reliability - The team depends on each other to progress, don't be the guy/girl that lets others down. Being unreliable may result in a demotion to Member.
Be punctual - While at times we understand people are running late and this is fine, being on time. The first step to being a solid raider is always showing up, and showing up early.
Research your class - Even the best player's need to keep an eye on class changes/Hotfixes/BIS gear and so on, knowing what is best for certain bosses really helps the outcome for your entire Team. Know your class well
Preparation - Know what bosses you will be attempting that night, know what the bosses do, know your role. Have the best available Food/pots and Flasks Ready. If your not prepared and seen to be wasting time, you may be replaced without Standby DKP.
Have DBM/GTFO and other addons installed and updated at all times. It is the raider's responsibility to be aware of the latest requirements and updates.
Keep talking to a minimum during raids so that instructions by the raid leader can be heard by all participants
You are expected to inform us when you can not raid
Be forum involved - Raiders have the chance to offer Boss tactic Ideas and advice Via the forum where Raid leaders have more time to prepare and consider these Ideas. Waiting till Boss Tactics are being said during actual Raid time is not nearly as helpful.
A mature, trustworthy, loyal, reliable, helpful and contributing member. Officers have the added responsibility of being Active, representing and enforcing guild expectations, promoting conflict resolution, and addressing guild interest and concerns. The team will decide on things such as recruitment or guild activities together as a Team, However we all have our own section that we will be more focused on and so you can go directly to them when required to do so.Current officers in the Guild are
PopeJon - Raid leader... Himself and Toobashed will alternate between leading raids, these are the people you are better to contact over any Raiding matters such as Boss tactic, being unavailable or needing advice.
Cheeki - Handles Recruitment for the Raid Team, as well as Socials, she is also keeping the website up to date and so if anyone is in need of any help with the website or has any questions/referrals regarding recruitment she is the person you may contact.
Ultimesia - He will be responsible for Funding the guild bank and making sure it it always well stocked. If you need anything from the bank or have any questions regarding bank content He is your man.
Benefits: Raider benefits apply so wont be repeated...
Admin access to the Forum
Able to guild invite
Able to guild Kick
Full access to the bank for assistance to others.
Expectations are that of any Raider and so wont be repeated
Being available - Being active on the forums and be involved in guild community is very important as an officer, you are expected to offer advice/help when able to do so or to direct players to another officer that can
Teamwork - Working together as a team is crucial for the up keeping of a guild, communication is key to having success. Disagreements will happen and there okay, handling them with maturity is crucial.
Stepping up - Be willing to help get the raids started when other officers are Running late, as to not slow down the night for everyone else.
Help - Helping your officer team to keep up to date on everything when required, We all get a little busy at times, backing backup is necessary in keeping things ticking over nicely.
Be patient - Not everyone is always online at the same time, and when recruitment or other important guild matters are involved patience is important, even if it means others having to wait longer for responses.
Guild Master
Current Gm - Toobashed
It goes without saying that the Guild Master will have the final say on most issues brought up in the guild and decides which progression path we take, all expectations that apply to the above ranks also apply. Benefits:
Admin access to the Website
Able to guild invite
Able to guild Kick
Full access to the bank for assistance to others.
Final say
Expectations:Expectations are the same as Raider's and officer's and so wont repeat..Treat everyone Equally and respect people's opinions, Ideas and criticism, Resolve disputes & Restore peace when the time calls for it swiftly. More importantly work as part of a team with your Officer team to achieve the best environment for the guild that is possible keeping good communications and